Latest blogs on procurement law

Written by our team of specialist procurement lawyers, we bring you updates and commentary on the latest procurement law news affecting anyone who deals with public procurement as part of their role.

  • NHS pensions and outsourcing

    Under Fair Deal a service provider, to whom public sector employees transfer under TUPE as part of a public-private sector outsourcing arrangement, has two options in relation to pension provision for those employees.

    What Commissioners need to know about the Care Bill

    One of its primary aims is to reform the law relating to care and support for adults and support for carers. The Bill also responds to the findings of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry specifically taking forward action to address the 'unacceptable failings in care'.

    Competition claims to come?

    A number of private providers are likely to take complaints to the NHS's new competition regulator Monitor over the next three years, the chief executive officer of Ramsay Health Care UK warned last week.
  • Conflicts of interest

    Something which we are constantly being asked to advise on at the moment is conflicts of interest. Whether it be advising on the steps to take in commissioning particular services (especially where member practices have an interest in providing that service), or reviewing CCGs' policies, there is no doubt that this is a hot topic for CCGs. Here are a few key points for CCGs on this issue...

    A CCG-owned CSU is an option according to NHS England

    NHS England may allow CCGs to take over their CSUs according to the Health Service Journal (HSJ).  If this proposal goes ahead it would mean CSUs would remain in the public sector and not the private sector which was the original long term plan for the support units.
  • Direct payments have landed

    A free support programme has been developed that will help CCGs to introduce personal health budgets successfully. The support programme is based on best practice as well as information and learning developed during the pilot programme and includes training programmes self-assessment tools and all the latest guidance.

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