26 SEPTEMBER 2012 DH emphasises CCGs' role in overseeing NHS compliance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS) On 1 April 2013, the responsibilities currently held by PCTs to act as Supervisory Bodies, authorising deprivations of liberty in hospitals, will pass to local authorities. Read more Share this article
POSTED BY JANE WILLIAMS | 26 SEPTEMBER 2012 Great Expectations - Will Prioritisation Challenge Make CCGs Something of a Bleak House? For the two hundred odd CCGs which will be formally established on 1 April 2013, the expectations are high. The Government wants to see improved patient outcomes, reduced health inequalities and the best results possible on a whole-population basis. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 26 SEPTEMBER 2012 NHSCB may 'lift and shift' staff In what were presented as emergency measures the Board looks set to delay some management cuts until 2013-14 and may also recruit interim staff due to delays in the transition to new NHS structures. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 26 SEPTEMBER 2012 The failure regime for NHS Trusts - essential information for clinical commissioners Clinical commissioners with challenged local providers (or those on the way to being challenged) will be interested in the new document from The King's Fund. Share this article
26 SEPTEMBER 2012 The sands are shifting - but in which direction? Last month we learnt that notwithstanding that statutory functions remain with SHAs and PCTs until April 2013, 'operational responsibility' would be stripped from PCT and SHA leaders from 1 October 2012. Share this article
POSTED BY RONA MCPHERSON | 19 SEPTEMBER 2012 Publication of procurement briefings for CCGs On 14 September 2012, the NHS Commissioning Board published a set of procurement briefings for CCGs that summarise the key elements of legislation and guidance currently governing NHS procurement of clinical services. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 19 SEPTEMBER 2012 Health ministers' portfolios revealed by DH The DH announced the full list of ministerial portfolios this week after the cabinet reshuffle earlier this month which saw Andrew Lansley replaced as health secretary by Jeremy Hunt. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 19 SEPTEMBER 2012 'Any qualified provider' services revealed by the DH The DH revealed to GPonline a list of 39 services that it plans to allow any qualified provider (AQP) to deliver through PCTS from this autumn and prior to England's 212 CCGs take on their commissioning duties in April 2013. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 12 SEPTEMBER 2012 Arrangements to secure childrens and adults safeguarding in the future NHS - the new accountability and assurance framework - interim advice The 'interim advice' provides additional information in particular to emerging CCGs which will need to demonstrate as part of authorisation that they have appropriate systems in place for discharging their responsibilities in respect of safeguarding. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 12 SEPTEMBER 2012 More from the Commissioning Board Last month the NHSCB named the CSUs which will be approved to offer business intelligence healthcare (clinical) procurement and business support services - three of the four scale services. Share this article
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