POSTED BY JANE WILLIAMS | 23 OCTOBER 2013 E-learning tool launched for NHS Continuing Healthcare The training tool covering the legal background to NHS Continuing Healthcare policy high quality assessment and decision-making dealing with disputes and skills training for staff is designed to enhance knowledge of NHS Continuing Healthcare practice for all those involved in the process and to ensure greater consistency nationwide. Read more Share this article
23 OCTOBER 2013 Preparing to implement the Integration Transformation Fund (ITF) The ITF will be £3.8 billion worth of funding to be allocated in 2015/16 to be spent locally on health and care to drive closer integration and improve outcomes for patients and service users. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 23 OCTOBER 2013 Updated guidance on reconfiguring services As the squeeze on public funding continues commissioners have difficult decisions to make about services - which to continue which to commission and which to stop. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 23 OCTOBER 2013 Who Pays? Final guidance published Our briefing will guide you through the rules on who is now responsible for commissioning mental health aftercare services for different groups of patients in light of the changes brought in by the NHS Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups (Responsibilities and Standing Rules) Regulations 2012. Share this article
22 OCTOBER 2013 Latest news: counting down to the new EU procurement directives Last week, at an event organised by the Procurement Lawyers' Association in London the European Parliament European Commission and Cabinet Office revealed the latest plans for EU adoption and UK implementation of the new EU Procurement Directives. Here are the headlines... Share this article
POSTED BY SIMON ELSEGOOD | 20 OCTOBER 2013 Monitor launches Lancashire commissioning investigation Monitor will now gather and review information from Spire Blackpool CCG Fylde and Wyre CCG and other relevant organisations before deciding how to proceed. Share this article
POSTED BY JANE WILLIAMS | 20 OCTOBER 2013 For what we are about to receive? Right to request personal health budget morphs into right to receive for NHS CHC patients As far as commissioners are concerned personal health budgets offer a new tool to support self management and care planning consistent with the government's mandate to the NHS to place greater emphasis on patients as partners in the management of their conditions. Share this article
POSTED BY SIMON ELSEGOOD | 20 OCTOBER 2013 Lack of benefits for patients and commissioners scuppers hospitals merger On Thursday the Competition Commission announced its final decision to block the merger of The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Share this article
10 OCTOBER 2013 NHS England sets out its intentions for commissioning of prescribed specialised services On 3 October NHS England published Prescribed Specialised Services Commissioning Intentions a paper setting out its intended approach to dealing with the commissioning of specialised services. Broadly speaking NHS England is adopting a six-stranded strategic approach... Share this article
10 OCTOBER 2013 When is a deadline not a deadline? We are often asked When are we out of the woods? on potential court challenges to service redesign. What is the cut off date before which a service user or campaign group can bring a judicial review claim... Share this article
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