POSTED BY SURBHI SHAH | 28 MARCH 2014 Early conciliation step mandatory before ET claim can proceed The scheme will be effective from 6 April 2014 and compulsory from 6 May 2014 (with transitional provisions operating between April and May). From 6 May, subject to limited exceptions, an employment tribunal claim cannot be commenced without first attempting early conciliation via ACAS. Read more Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 28 MARCH 2014 NHS England publishes 'Commissioning for Value' data packs for area teams The data packs provide CCGs and area teams with practical where to look support in gathering data to help transform the way care is delivered for their patients and populations. Share this article
28 MARCH 2014 The new procurement Directives are here. Now the countdown to UK implementation really begins The three new EU Directives on public procurement utilities procurement and concession contracts were published in the Official Journal of the European Union today and will come into force on 17 April 2014. Share this article
POSTED BY HELEN PRANDY | 26 MARCH 2014 Hobson's Choice - Public procurement gets a competition law makeover Here in Cambridge there are many memorials to Thomas Hobson the city innkeeper who used to tell customers that they could have any horse as long as it was the one closest to the stable door an option which became known as Hobson's choice. Share this article
21 MARCH 2014 Improving joint commissioning: amendments to the NHS Act 2006 The Department of Health has published a draft Legislative Reform Order (LRO) to address an issue which many of you will have faced since April 2013. Share this article
POSTED BY JENNY BERESFORD-JONES | 20 MARCH 2014 Landmark decision in deprivation of liberty case - what does this mean for your organisation ? This decision marks a fundamental shift in determining whether there is a deprivation of liberty. There are likely to be thousands of people who were not considered to be deprived of their liberty before Wednesday who will be today in light of this judgement. Share this article
POSTED BY SIMON ELSEGOOD | 20 MARCH 2014 CCG red tape bonfire? As part of the Government's drive to reduce red tape, the Department of Health (DH) is proposing to use a legislative reform order to amend the NHS Act 2006. Share this article
POSTED BY JENNY BERESFORD-JONES | 13 MARCH 2014 House of Lords slams use of Mental Capacity Act - demands a complete re-write of the DOLS legislation and setting up of an oversight body The House of Lords Select Committee on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 was published this morning. This is the Act that governs how to assess if a patient has capacity to take decisions, for example whether to consent to medical treatment, or whether to agree to a proposed home care package. It also sets out how healthcare bodies and professionals should take decisions for patients where they lack such capacity. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 13 MARCH 2014 Publication of supporting documents on the NHS Standard Contract This month's recent Clinical Commissioning Group Bulletin dated 6 March 2014 promotes the publication of NHS Standard Contract supporting documents which can all be accessed on the NHS Standard Contract webpage. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 6 MARCH 2014 More joint commissioning says NHS Clinical Commissioner A report by NHS Clinical Commissioners (NHS CC) calls for a more joined up approach to primary care commissioning. Share this article
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