< 1 minute read

Health and Social Care Act 2012

So the government's Health and Social Care Bill has been passed and is now law. The Queen has signed on the dotted line!

The legislation - first published as a white paper in July 2010 is now known as the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The Act finally completed its lengthy passage through parliament following months of fierce debate in the Lords and the Commons, and an on-going battle by Labour, the medical profession and a host of campaigners to force the Government into dropping the bill. The focus now will be on the implementation of the Act and how much local control CCGs will actually have.

We will let you know more when we have digested all 457 pages of the Act and when the explanatory notes are published.

The DH have to provide detailed guidance and timetable.

Hold onto your hats! In the meantime here are links to the new Act and the DH press release.


Stuart Knowles

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