It is not only school teachers who are busy writing pages of reports at this time of year; contracting authorities need to do so too, thanks to Action Note 10/15 which has recently been issued by the Crown Commercial Service.
This Action Note applies to all contracting authorities and requires them to submit online by 10 July 2015 the requested details of all public contracts and frameworks entered into in 2013 and 2014. Note that it does not extend to contracts called off from a framework.
The request is made under Regulation 40 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and as such as the CCS points out compliance is mandatory rather than discretionary.
The Action Note states that this is the last time the CCS expects to call for these reports; under Regulation 84 of the new Public Contracts Regulations 2015 while there is an obligation to keep reports there is no obligation to send them to the CCS unless actually requested to do so. The Action Note suggests that this is therefore the last set of annual reports contracting authorities will be required to make en masse given the introduction of Regulation 84.
Details of the mechanism for making reports online and the level of detail required can be found in the Action Note.