27 JUNE 2013 NHS Bodies and Local Authorities Partnership Arrangements (Section 75 partnership agreements) - amendments to the 2000 Regulations The amendments are mainly to address changes that need to be made by reason of the NHS reforms and are not substantive in nature. Read more Share this article
27 JUNE 2013 NHS England's value for money review of PMS contracts NHS England's objective is to maintain the pace and momentum of improving value for money from the NHS's investment in PMS contracts while at the same time ensuring that now all PMS contracts are commissioned centrally by a single NHS organisation PMS practices are being treated fairly and consistently across England. Share this article
POSTED BY JENNY BERESFORD-JONES | 27 JUNE 2013 Judicial review - time limits Readers will be aware that The Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (the Regulations) provide a mechanism by which the running of a procurement process and the decisions taken within it can be challenged by bidders and/or others with an interest in the outcome. Share this article
20 JUNE 2013 Monitor Launches its first investigation under the NHS Procurement Regulations. Monitor announced on its website on 5 June 2013 that it was launching an investigation into the conduct of purchasing decisions made by the North of England Specialised Commissioning Group whose functions were assumed by NHS England as of 1 April 2013. Share this article
20 JUNE 2013 Payments by NHS bodies to local authorities, voluntary organisations and others (section 256 and 257 payments) and payments by local authorities to NHS bodies (section 76 payments) ? new Directions Three sets of Directions have been issued - find out more... Share this article
20 JUNE 2013 Premises charges for commissioners announced Earlier this month the Department of Health (DH) published details of the 2013 -14 charges to commissioners for property costs which are not recoverable from occupiers. Share this article
POSTED BY TANIA RICHARDS | 20 JUNE 2013 CCGs issues: changing a CCGs constitution, merging or dissolution The guidance sets out the procedures to be followed by CCGs and NHS England in the circumstances of a CCG wishing to apply to NHS England to make changes to its constitution or to dissolve or two or more CCGs wishing to apply to merge. Share this article
POSTED BY SIMON ELSEGOOD | 5 JUNE 2013 Highlighting Social Value... The Social Value Act requires CCGs to consider how their commissioning could improve the economic social and environmental well-being of their area. Share this article
POSTED BY SIMON ELSEGOOD | 5 JUNE 2013 ...and Local Compacts When dealing with third sector providers CCG's should also bear in mind Local Compacts. Share this article
5 JUNE 2013 A paperless world? The fund will be available to NHS providers to support the move from paper-based systems for patient notes and prescriptions to integrated electronic care records and the development of e-prescribing and e-referral systems. Share this article
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