Monitor issue consultation on integrated care
Monitor has published an independent report to inform the development of its policy on integrated care. The report titled 'Enablers and Barriers to Integrated Care and Implications for Monitor' was commissioned by Monitor from Frontier Economics the Nuffield Trust the King's Fund and Ernst & Young and is another part of the growing evidence base that Monitor will use to determine its approach as sector regulator.
Under the HSCA Monitor has a duty to enable integrated healthcare and integrated health and social care. In order to fulfill that duty Monitor must first gather and build on existing evidence. This report is intended as a first step in that direction.
At quick glance this report sets out the evidence analysis and findings.
The report suggests some early steps Monitor might take to enable improvements in the integration of care. These are contained in chapter 8 of the report and range from recommendations around tariff design - a joint responsibility for Monitor and the NHS CBA - to suggestions for guidance which providers and commissioners might find helpful in understanding the relationship between integrated care and competition.
Monitor are seeking comments on the findings of this report and will be accepting comments until 13th July 2012. This is a vital area for clinical commissioners and we would urge as many of you to send in your comments.