1 minute read

If the spotlight is on you, will you measure up?

The much awaited report by Robert Francis QC about patient safety concerns at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust is due to be published early next month and it is expected to be critical of the culture of health service with recommendations on improving regulation, patient safety and quality of care.

Whatever the recommendations CCGs are likely to be at the heart of them as the government has consistently emphasised that the CCG's key role is ensuring good governance and improvements in outcomes for patients.

The Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care have published standards for member of NHS boards and CCG governing bodes in England placing respect compassion and care for patients at the centre of leadership and good governance. The seven core values are responsibility honesty openness respect professionalism leadership and integrity. There are also standards around technical competence and business practices.

It is fair to say that if the spotlight is ever on your CCG then the decisions and actions of CCG board members are going to be measured against these standards and questions asked where they have fallen short. Board members and key managers should familiarise themselves with these standards and give careful thought as to how they are going to demonstrate they have been met.



Mills & Reeve Editorial

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