POSTED BY KEVIN CALDER | 22 DECEMBER 2014 Festive Conundrum At this time of year, a key procurement question is: how is the transport of goods by sleigh properly classified for the purposes of the procurement Regulations? Read more Share this article procedures
18 DECEMBER 2014 Fit and proper persons requirement for directors of NHS bodies Regulation 5 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (the Regulations) which creates a fit and proper person requirement for directors of NHS bodies (FPPR) came into force on 27 November 2014. Share this article
POSTED BY HELEN PRANDY | 15 DECEMBER 2014 Rudolf v Prancer An article on a case in Canada where the award of a federal government contract was decided on a coin toss. Not just one coin toss but a best of three. Share this article
POSTED BY JENNY BERESFORD-JONES | 8 DECEMBER 2014 Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in force from 26 Feb 2015 - Key Steps Contracting Authorities Can Take Now So what has changed in the final version? Here is a short summary of the more material points... Share this article
POSTED BY SIMON ELSEGOOD | 4 DECEMBER 2014 Time to prepare for the Lead Provider Framework Many CCG's SLAs with CSUs will shortly be coming to an end and NHS England has already signalled that these should not be extended beyond April 2016. Share this article
POSTED BY SURBHI SHAH | 4 DECEMBER 2014 What do the latest statistics say about early ACAS conciliation? ACAS has published their latest statistics on how Early Conciliation (EC) is working. Since May 2014 anyone wishing to make a claim against the Employment Tribunal is required to notify ACAS with the intention of allowing the parties the opportunity to resolve the dispute without the need for a claim. Share this article
POSTED BY KEVIN CALDER | 1 DECEMBER 2014 Procurement Regulations 2015 - Ready For Law-nch? - Part 2 This week we are looking at e-procurement an area that could cause headaches for practitioners on the ground. Share this article
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